A Day Of Son Shine, A Short Story by: David R. Mohr

A Day Of "Son" Shine

A Short Story by: David R. Mohr



© Copyright 1996 David R. Mohr

C. C. Colton (1780-1832) Once said: "Imitation is the sincerest flattery." If this is true, and in my case I feel it is, I have been given the greatest compliment anyone could ever receive. We all have a need to feel loved and wanted, and as parents, this is even more prevalent with us toward our children. We've all felt the fear, anxiety and pressure we bring upon ourselves, in wondering if we're raising our children correctly.

We hope they will become respectful, responsible adults. We hope we're giving them enough love and attention so they can demonstrate these same feelings and qualities to others. We never want to loose the love, respect and affection of our children. Being a parent is scary at times, but it is also very rewarding. Being the new father of an only son, I have learned so much from him. "Out of the mouths of babes" is more than just a saying! Not yet 3, my son has taught me many things about myself, about relationships, about appreciation for life and creation. He entices me to stop and ponder my surroundings. Having long since forgotten my first encounter with everything God has created, they now once again take on new meaning and new beauty. Being caught up in our "busy lives" it has taken a child to remind me to set aside some time for fun. Put down that work for a while! Why it's "time to tickoo Micah, daddy" he tells me as he beckons me to follow him to his room - laughing contageously. He has reminded us how to laugh and smile, how to question and how to communicate.

Parenting is a wonderful opportunity, though not one to be taken lightly. It is a lifelong commitment. Being 34, I still call my mother ("Mommy" to me) for help and advice. Parenting is not a role for one. Things happen which cause single parenting to become a reality and they cannot always be avoided, but for the best results your child needs a mommy and a daddy. Parenting is not for everyone. If, though, it should happen to you, embrace it with both arms and never let go. Then one day you too will experience your little boy watching you. Looking up to you in awe as you fix the house, hang a door, screw some boards together. You too will feel that indescribable joy, watching as your 2 1/2 year old son picks up your tools and tries to imitate "Daddy." You will see the glow in his eyes as you bend down to help him. You give him some wood, screws, a screwdriver and watch in amazement as he builds his first structure. Working to put those screws into that wood, he looks up to you for your approval. You will feel that special warmth each time he offers you assistance: "Help daddy?" and each time he can't quite do it himself: "Daddy help!" You'll know he respects you and looks up to you as he runs to your drawer to get a handkerchief, just because daddy has one. When he starts repeating phrases like "gimmy break" to be like mommy. When he comes out from around the back yard with his toy lawn mower to help mow the lawn. When he pushes a chair up near the stove to help you cook that morning breakfast. When he tells you 'I like sambled eggs' or 'I eat cerweeals' while looking up at your with those big loving eyes. And yet he is not even 3. How much more there is to look forward to!

I can only speak from my heart, from my own experiences with my son. It doesn't matter if you have a boy, girl, or several of each! To watch him grow. To watch him outshine my expectations. To learn from him. To see things in a whole new perspective - a point of view I at one time held dear but have long lost. To love a child with your heart. If you can experience these, then you too will find and bask in your very own warmth from: A Day Of "Son" Shine!

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